株式会社Wellon Solutionsでは、お客さまの個人情報を大切に保管、管理しております。
株式会社Wellon Solutions
〒103-0022 東京都中央区日本橋室町4丁目6番2号
代表取締役社長 平井 章治 -
株式会社Wellon Solutions(以下「当社」といいます。)は、個人情報等の取り扱いに関し、「個人情報の保護に関する法律」(個人情報保護法)及び政省令、ガイドライン等を遵守します。
- 当社は、お客さまの個人情報を適正に取得いたします。また、法令に定める場合を除き、お客さまの個人情報の利用目的を通知または公表し、利用目的の範囲内において使用いたします。
- 当社では、すべての役職員が個人情報保護の重要性を理解し、お客さまの個人情報を適切に取扱うよう教育いたします。
- 当社は、法令に定める場合を除き、お客さまの個人情報をあらかじめご本人の同意を得ることなく第三者に提供することはいたしません。
- 個人データの適正な取り扱いの確保のため、「関係法令・ガイドライン等の遵守」、「質問及び苦情処理の窓口」等についての本基本方針を策定しています。
- 取得、利用、保存、提供、削除・廃棄等の段階ごとに、取扱方法、責任者・担当者およびその任務等について「個人情報取扱規程」を策定しています。
- 個人データの取り扱いに関する責任者を設置するとともに、個人データを取り扱う従業者および当該従業者が取り扱う個人データの範囲を明確化し、個人情報保護法や個人情報取扱規程に違反している事実または兆候を把握した場合の責任者への報告連絡体制を整備しています。
- 個人データの取扱状況について、定期的に自己点検を実施するとともに、監査部による監査を実施しています。
- 個人データの取り扱いに関する留意事項について、従業者に定期的な研修を実施しています。
- 個人データについての秘密保持に関する事項を、就業規則に記載しています。
- 個人データを取り扱う機器、電子媒体および書類等の盗難または紛失等を防止するための措置を講じるとともに、事業所内の移動を含め、当該機器、電子媒体等を運ぶ場合、容易に個人データが判明しないよう措置を実施しています。
- アクセス制御を実施して、担当者および取り扱う個人情報データベース等の範囲を限定しています。
- 個人データを取り扱う情報システムを外部からの不正アクセスまたは不正ソフトウェアから保護する仕組みを導入しています。
- 本人または第三者の生命、身体、財産その他の権利利益を害するおそれがある場合
- 当社の業務の適正な実施に著しく支障を及ぼすおそれがある場合
- 法令に違反することとなる場合
〒103-0022 東京都中央区日本橋室町4丁目6番2号 株式会社Wellon Solutions -
〒103-0022 東京都中央区日本橋室町4丁目6番2号 株式会社Wellon Solutions -
- ① 不動産に関連する商品・サービスを提供するため
- ② 当社の商品・サービスに関する情報のお知らせのため
- ③ 当社①の業務提供にあたり、当社の提携先企業から商品・サービスを提供するため
- ④ 当社又は当社の提携先企業における信用審査のため
- ⑤ 信用審査モデル構築のためのデータ分析のため
- ⑥ 不動産に関連する商品・サービスのマーケティングリサーチのため
- ⑦ 前各号を実施するために必要な範囲で第三者に提供するため
- ① 主に、給与等の計算・決定・支払、研修の実施、解職・退職手続の実施等の雇用管理・業績管理、適正な業務運営の確保、その他会社から従業員等への連絡等のため
- ② 従業員等の健康情報(健康診断結果、病歴、その他健康に関するもの)については、健康の保持・増進など職員にとって有益と思われる目的のため
1. 匿名加工情報に含まれる項目
株式会社Wellon Solutions(以下「当社」といいます。)は、個人情報等の取り扱いに関し、「個人情報の保護に関する法律」(個人情報保護法)及び政省令、ガイドライン等を遵守します。
- 賃貸借契約情報(契約年月日、解約年月日、賃料、支払情報、保証人、保証会社、解約理由、苦情・要望)
- 契約者[賃借人]情報(住所、性別、生年月、職業、年収)
- 物件情報(住所、沿線、最寄駅、駅からの距離、築年、構造、敷地面積、延床面積、階数、号室、間取り、専有面積、方角、用途、設備情報)
2. 匿名加工情報の第三者提供
Basic Policy on Proper Handling of Personal Information.
At Wellon Solutions Co., Ltd., we value and manage our customers' personal information with the utmost care.
1.Name, Address, and Representative of the business operator
Wellon Solutions Co., Ltd.
https://www.mayo.co.jp/wos/aboutus/ -
2.Compliance with Relevant Laws and Guidelines
Wellon Solutions Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") shall comply with the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" (Personal Information Protection Act) and relevant government ordinances, guidelines, etc., regarding the handling of personal information, etc.
- The Company will collect the Company's customers' personal information appropriately. Unless required by law, the Company will notify or disclose the purpose of use of customers' personal information and use the information within the scope of the stated purpose.
- The Company will educate all staff members, to ensure their understanding of the importance of protecting personal information and to ensure they handle customers' personal information appropriately.
- The Company will not provide your personal information to third parties without obtaining your prior consent, except as required by law.
3.Matters Regarding Safety Management Measures
A brief overview of the safety management measures taken by the Company for personal data it retains is provided below:
(Establishment of Basic Policy on Proper Handling of Personal Information)
- To ensure proper personal data handling, the Company has established this Basic Policy concerning, among other matters, “compliance with relevant laws and guidelines” and “contact for questions and handling of complaints.”
(Development of Regulations Concerning Personal Data Handling)
- The Company has established “Personal Information Handling Regulations” in relation to the method of personal data handling, the responsible persons/persons in charge, and their respective duties, etc. in each stage of obtaining, using, storing, providing, and deleting/disposing, etc. of personal data.
(Organizational Safety Management Measures)
- The Company has appointed a person responsible for personal data handling, specified the scope of employees handling personal data as well as the scope of personal data handled by those employees, and developed a system for reporting to the responsible person cases where a violation or possible violation of the Personal Information Protection Act or the Personal Information Handling Regulations is detected.
- The Company conducts self-inspections on a regular basis, as well as audits by the Audit Department, in relation to the status of personal data handling.
(Personnel Safety Management Measures)
- The Company trains employees on a regular basis concerning matters to be noted in relation to personal data handling.
- The Company has stipulated matters regarding confidentiality of personal data in its Work Rules.
(Physical Safety Management Measures)
- The Company has taken measures to prevent theft, loss, etc. of devices, electronic media, documents, etc. that contain personal data, as well as relevant measures so that personal data will not be disclosed easily when such devices, electronic media, etc. are being transferred, including transfers within the office.
(Technical Safety Management Measures)
- The Company limits the person in charge and the scope of personal information databases, etc. handled by that person by taking security control measures.
- The Company has introduced a mechanism to protect information systems that handle personal data from unauthorized external access or unauthorized software.
4.Handling of Outsourcing
The Company may outsource the handling of personal data to third parties. In such cases, the Company will provide necessary and appropriate supervision over the parties to whom outsourcing is performed in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act.
5.Disclosure of Retained Personal Data; Disclosure of Records of Provision to Third Parties, and Other Related Matters
Upon request for the disclosure of retained personal data or for [the disclosure of] confirmation records regarding provision of personal data to third parties (excluding those stipulated in a Cabinet Order as records that harm the public or other interests as a result of the existence thereof being revealed) from an individual or their representative, the Company will promptly respond thereto, except in the following cases.
- When there is a risk of causing harm to the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the individual or a third party.
- When there is a risk of significantly hindering the proper implementation of the Company’s business operations.
- When doing so would result in a violation of laws and regulations.
Please contact the Company by mail at the following address for inquiries regarding the disclosure, etc., of retained personal data (including requests for correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, and erasure of retained personal data): Wellon Solutions Co., Ltd. 4-6-2 Nihonbashi Muromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0022
6.Contact for Questions and Handling of Complaints
Please send any inquiries or complaints regarding the handling of personal information, etc., or other matters by the Company by mail to the following address: Wellon Solutions Co., Ltd. 4-6-2 Nihonbashi Muromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0022
7.Purpose of Use
The Company will use the personal information obtained for the following purposes unless notice is given otherwise or as otherwise required by law:
(1)Customers' personal information
- ① To provide goods and services related to real estate.
- ② To provide information about the Company's products and services.
- ③ To provide goods and services from the Company's partner companies relating to the Company business provision mentioned in ①.
- ④ For credit assessments by the Company or the Company's partner companies.
- ⑤ For data analysis to build a credit assessment model.
- ⑥ For marketing research on goods and services related to real estate.
- ⑦ To provide to third parties, within the scope necessary for implementation of the preceding items.
The Company's business activities are listed on the Company's website. Additionally, if requested by a public institution based on legal regulations, the Company may provide personal information to that institution.
The Company will delete customers’ personal information responsibly once its purpose of use has been achieved.(2)Personal information about the Company's employees, etc.
- ① Primarily used for employment management and performance management, including calculations, decisions, and payments of salaries, implementation of training, carrying out dismissal and retirement procedures, ensuring proper business operations, and other communications from the Company to its employees, etc.
- ② Health information about employees, etc. (including results of health examinations, medical history, and other health-related information) shall be used only for purposes that are deemed beneficial to the staff, such as maintaining and promoting health.
The Company will not return personal information of employees, etc. to individuals after they leave the Company. However, the Company will delete the information responsibly once its purpose of use has been achieved.
Announcement regarding handling of anonymously processed information
The Company will create and provide anonymously processed information relating to Customers’ personal information, taking appropriate protective measures in accordance with the standards set forth in laws and regulations so that a specific individual cannot be identified and specific individuals’ identifying personal information cannot be restored.
1. Items included in anonymously processed information
- Rental Lease Contract Information (contract date, termination date, rent, payment details, guarantor, insurance company, reason for termination, complaints/requests)
- Contractor[Lessee]information(address, gender, date of birth, profession, annual income)
- Property information(address, nearest public transit line(s), nearest station(s), distance from station, year of construction, structure, site area, total floor area, number of floors, room number, floor plan, exclusive area, direction, use, equipment information)
2. Provision of anonymously processed information to third parties
The Company will provide the anonymously processed information created to its business partners on an ongoing basis for purposes of data analysis, product development, service improvement, etc. The items included in anonymously processed information and the method of provision are as follows.
(1)Items included in anonymously processed information
Items listed in Section 1 above
(2)Method of provision
Providing password-protected digital files via electronic communication means using a password